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Life restoration takes all of us. What role will you play?

Because together, we will impact generations.




Friends on a farm tour while visiting the ranch in Etna

  • Deeply rooted life restoration and genuine faith in God

  • Student safety

  • Wisdom and guidance in our conversations and interactions

  • Endurance and perspective for students and staff during the hard moments

  • Sustained success for graduates


Site Directors from Great Lakes and Black Hills at the famous rock beside Rockside Ranch.


  • Give As You’re Able. Every gift, no matter the amount makes life restoration possible.

  • Give Monthly. Our monthly partners sustain the needs of the ministry year-round and help us scholarship students on a moment’s notice.

  • Give a Vehicle or Item. Nearly all of our furniture, equipment, and vehicles have been donated. Wow!

  • Give Investments. Donors often give stock gifts or from their IRA or other investment accounts for specific tax benefits.

  • Become a Legacy Partner. More and more donors are telling us that they have written Rockside into their will or estate plans, meaning that they will continue to restore lives on earth, even after they graduate to heaven. What a beautiful legacy.

Rockside Ranch is a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Gifts are tax-deductible. Email Abby with any questions about donations, especially donating items, investments, or becoming a legacy partner.



Pastor Phillip and a volunteer group from Grenada Berean Church (from CA) serving at the Black Hills Ranch in South Dakota.

  • Lead a Class. Volunteers bring a wealth of wisdom and experience that students can learn from.

  • Give a Ride. Whether arriving by plane or visiting the dentist, students often need rides and volunteers make that possible.

  • Bring a Group. Some of our biggest projects have been done by groups coming to one of the ranches with a team for a service project. The fingerprints of these volunteers are all over the ranch.

  • Administrative Help. Folding, stamping, and more! Administrative help makes a huge difference at Rockside.

We asked our community why they support Rockside… Here’s what they said:


Help Students Overcome crisis,
discover their purpose, and…

Thrive in work and life.